Thursday, May 21, 2009


Wyatt Wilson Stones was born this morning (5/21/09) at 8:14. He was 7 pounds 7 ounces and 20 inches long. We went in for the induction and they started the pytocin at 5:00am. Andi was already dilated to a 5. They gave her an epidural and broke her water at 7:00am. An hour later they said she was ready to push. Three strong pushes and Wyatt was born. Andi is recovering quickly with no rips and Wyatt is doing great.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Mother's Day

Andrew made a ceramic frog for Andi for Mother's Day. He was crushed to find out that he couldn't give it to her because it was selected for the regional art show. Andi was just as happy for the gift knowing it was beautiful enough for everyone else to see. She really likes it.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Mylie is Cool

My daughter is so cool. She is the perfect mix of feminine beauty and tom boy. I walked in on her organizing her purse with her chapstick, pocket mirror, play cell phone and necklace. Then she loaded everything back into her purse, then shoved it inside her ninja turtle backpack and was ready to go.

Then a couple days later I walked in on her playing with her stuffed animals having a tea party. Then she said, “hey Dad. These plates are awesome ninja stars.” Then she threw the ninja star tea set plates at her animals.

Then a couple days later she asked me to come play house with her. The house was made out of hot wheels and I was supposed to the be the daddy semi-truck.

Then a couple days later she asked Andi to paint her nails while she watched Superman.

She is so cool.

Friday, May 1, 2009

Easter Morning

I know this post is a little late but I just wanted to share some of our pictures. The kids had a great time on Easter. We first got to go to Papa Jim's house for an Easter egg hunt and pizza party on Saturday. Then the Easter Bunny came to visit. He left lots of yummy goodies and hid Easter eggs full of jelly beans all over the house. He did leave a little footprint trail in the kitchen too! That evening we went over to Grandma's house for Easter dinner and yet again another Easter egg hunt. What a fun day!!

Baseball and Stiches

Andrew started baseball a couple of weeks ago. He is having a lot of fun. Mylie really wants to be on the field with him. She just about goes crazy having to sit there and watch (so boring). The first game we went to she got antzy so she decided to run up and down the bleacher and of course she fell and hit her chin really hard. The next game she got bored again and decided to run around she came running back to us and went to climb up the bleachers and missed. She hit her face three times. We ended up having to go to the ER that night and she had to get 5 stiches on her eyebrow. Of course she was really tough and thought it was cool. Now when we go to the games Mat makes her sit still. He thinks we should make her wear a helment.