Tuesday, December 30, 2008


If a person who rides a bike is a biker and person who swims is a swimmer, then is a person who rides a scooter a scooterer? Or is the scooter riding a scoot? And does a person riding a scooter go scooting or scootering at the park. Here is Andrew and Mylie riding their new scooters. Mylie's scooter is named Fasty. Feel free to respond with captions for each picture.

1 comment:

B and B said...

Mylie seems to be doing much better on her scooter then last I saw her.
Here are my first impression captions…
Picture 1: Mylie: “I’m winning?!? Go FASTY Go!!”
Andrew: “How is she doing that?”
Picture 2: Andrew:” Please don’t tip over, please don’t tip over!”
Picture 3: “Oh yeah, we’re cool!”
Picture 4: The tounge out gives her super scootering speed