Sunday, February 27, 2011

Sledding Fun

Wyatt ready to go play in the snow.

Andrew and Mylie making snow angels.

Mat had to work on Saturday so me and the kids got on our snow gear and went sledding. In Leadville they have a big free public sledding hill that the kids have been dying to try out. It was awesome. It was quite a hike up but way worth it. They even let me go a couple of times!

Wyatt didn't really want to sled so him and I played in the snow.

That is Mylie in the middle of the picture.

This is the view from the top of the hill.

Here are some fun videos of the kids sledding outside our apartment.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Moving to Leadville

Mat got a job doing the HR and recruiting work at a mine that is reopening in Leadville, CO. They are providing us with a furnished apartment for the first 6 months, so we packed up our clothes, food and toys. We left our condo staged and put it on the market today.

These first two pics are Wyatt trying to help Andi pack some food.

The next two pics are the view from our living room window. Leadville is the highest incorporated city in the US at 10,200 feet. It is about two hours west of Denver, between Vail and Frisco.

It has snowed a little over 200 inches so far this year in Leadville with about 50 inches on the ground right now. It has been cold but sunny so far. Andrew and Mylie went sledding for the last three days in a row. They love it here. The jury is still out for Andi. Mat could live here forever.