Monday, June 6, 2011

Race Day - Gift of Life and Breath

4th year in a row. We all ran the whole way without stopping (except Wyatt). We are proud of Andrew and Mylie.

Wyatt Before and After



Sunday, May 8, 2011

Dying Easter Eggs

Here are some pictures of the kids dying eggs for Easter.

The finished product.

Wyatt is so proud.

Busy working.

Wyatt wasn't quite sure what to think. Why were we putting eggs in juice?

He thought it was to eat.

Casa Bonita

Last time we were down in Denver. My mom didn't want to make dinner so she asked if we wanted to go to Casa Bonita. We had a great time. The kids love that place and Wyatt was just fascinated with it. Thanks Grandma.

Mylie broke the piƱata again!!

Wyatt enjoying the show.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Our First Visitors

This past weekend we had our first visitors up here in Leadville. Breanne and Ben came to visit us. We had such a great time showing them around our little town and explore new things with them. We went up to Cooper Mountain and Frisco in the morning and then in the afternoon we went to downtown Leadville and walked around all the fun shops. We also went exploring and found some really fun camp grounds that as you will see in the pictures are still covered in a lot of snow. It was a beautiful day. Both Friday and Saturday night we stayed up late visiting and playing games. It was so great to have them here. My kids were so bummed they had to leave. We hope to have more visitors soon.

Saturday, March 26, 2011


Today Mat took Mylie and Andrew snowboarding for the first time. They went to Ski Cooper which is only about 10 minutes from our house. Wyatt and I meet them up there for lunch and took some fun videos and pictures. They had a great time!

Mylie and Andrew going up the ski lift. This may look easy but on a snowboard it is not.
It was a beautiful day for snowboarding. They definitely want to go back again. Next time I hope I get to go with them.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Mat's Commute and Office View

This is what I see all 12 minutes of my commute to work.
This is the mine. I work in the grey building on the left side of the pic.

This is the view from my office window. That is Mount Lincoln (+14K feet).

This is looking slightly to the right. Mine is the third truck from the right.

This is a pic from my truck up at the window I work out of. My window is the first one on the left (not those little ones).

Sunday, March 13, 2011

More Sledding

On Saturday we took Mat to the big sledding hill here in Leadville. It was a beautiful day. We had a great time. We even got Wyatt to go down a couple of times. We are not quite sure what he thought of it. He pretty much had no expression. Maybe it was too boring for him.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Ski Jorring in Leadville

Ski Jorring was a new sport to us before Saturday. The city of Leadville hauls in enough snow to cover the main street for about 6 blocks and makes a course including jumps. A horse and rider pull a skier at full speed down the street. The skier is timed and is given penalty points for missing a jump or missing the rings or missing the slalom gates. They have races for all ages (the younger groups are pulled by snow mobiles).

This is downtown Leadville in preparation for the races. (Yes, they spend all winter clearing the white stuff off the road just so they can bring it back for a race.)

Andrew wants to drive the snow mobiles.

Wyatt liked the horses.

Mylie wants to be pulled next year. She needs to learn to ski since snow boards aren't allowed.

We were bummed that they ran out of hot chocolate so quickly, but happy that Andi remembered to pack enough popcorn balls.

And here is the winner.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Swimming and Fun

Life is treating us good up here at 10,200 feet.

Mylie and Andrew started swimming lesson

Cute Wyatt at the pool.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Sledding Fun

Wyatt ready to go play in the snow.

Andrew and Mylie making snow angels.

Mat had to work on Saturday so me and the kids got on our snow gear and went sledding. In Leadville they have a big free public sledding hill that the kids have been dying to try out. It was awesome. It was quite a hike up but way worth it. They even let me go a couple of times!

Wyatt didn't really want to sled so him and I played in the snow.

That is Mylie in the middle of the picture.

This is the view from the top of the hill.

Here are some fun videos of the kids sledding outside our apartment.