Friday, November 13, 2009

Cartoon about Mylie

Grandma sent a letter to Mylie with this comic included. It describes Mylie. I think the creator of the comic spies on our family for material.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Foot Surgery

Andi went to a foot doctor about 10 years ago who explained that her foot pain was due to a mutated foot bone causing a bunion. He said that although it was painful, it wasn't the right time to fix it.

We hit our deductible this year and finally decided to fix it. Here is the before picture (the blue line is the doctors guide line).

Here is the 3 day after picture.

On the 3 day visit she got her permanent cast that she wore for 2 weeks. She let everyone sign it. She let me draw a (classy) halloween picture on it.

Here is a picture of her foot after she got her permanent cast off after two weeks.

Here are the x-rays of the foot after the surgery.

It has been one month today and Andi is walking around the house without crutches and can even put a little weight on her toe. She is really itching to get back to the gym. On the right is a little poll to see who can guess the total cost so far for this procedure (we already met our deductible, so it only cost us $25 for a shower bag for her cast).

Friday, November 6, 2009


We had a great Halloween. Andrew was a zombie, Mylie was Jessie from Toy Story and Wyatt was Superman. They had a great time trick or treating with their cousins. Now of course we have too much candy!!